1 Cups In A Pint
1 pints to cups calculator converts 1 pints into cups and vice versa instantly and accurately.
1 pint is equal to how many cups?
1 pint = 2 cups, or 1 pint = 1 * 2 cups, therefore, simply multiply 1 pints by 2 to get it converted into cups.
Convert 1 Cups In A Pint
What is the value of 1 pints in cups?
1 pint is equal to 0.0002 cups, or there are 0.0002 cups in 1 prints.
1 US Liquid Pints Conversion
US Cups | 0.0002 |
US Teaspoons | 0.010144251252815 |
US Tablespoons | 0.0033783783783784 |
US Liquid Quarts | 5.2834574945845E-5 |
Liters | 5.0E-5 |
US Liquid Gallons | 1.3208643736461E-5 |
US Fluid Ounces | 0.0016920473773266 |
US Legal Cups | 0.00020833333333333 |
Milliliters | 0.05 |
Imperial Gallons | 0.010144251252815 |
Imperial Quarts | 4.3994720633524E-5 |
Imperial Pints | 8.7989441267048E-5 |
Imperial Cups | 0.00017596339961288 |
Imperial Fluid Ounces | 0.0017605633802817 |
Imperial Tablespoons | 0.0028169014084507 |
Imperial Teaspoons | 0.0084745762711864 |
Relevant Calculators
- how many ounces in a quart
- how many quarts in an ounce
- how many cups in a quart
- how many liters in a gallon
- milliliters to liters
- liters to milliliters
- liters to gallons
- How many grams in a teaspoon
- grams to teaspoon
- how many teaspoons in a tablespoon
- how many tablespoons in a teaspoon
- how many milliliter in a tablespoon
This conversion calculator converts 1 pints into cups and vice versa easily. It also converts 1 pints into other units as well simultaneously.