1 Pints To Liters
1 pints to liters calculator quickly converts 1 pints into L and L into pints as well.
How many liters are there in 1 pints?
You can easily find out the answer by multiplying 1 pints by 0.47318.
Convert 1 Pints To Liters
What is the value of 1 pints to liters?
1 pint is equal to 0.47326076668244 L.
1 US Liquid Pints Conversion
Liters | 0.47326076668244 |
Milliliters | 473 |
Cubic Inches | 28.875 |
US Liquid Gallons | 0.125 |
US Fluid Ounces | 16 |
US Liquid Pints | |
US Liquid Quarts | 0.5 |
US Cups | 2 |
US Legal Cups | 1.972 |
US Tablespoons | 32 |
US Teaspoons | 96 |
Imperial Gallons | 0.10407993338884 |
Imperial Quarts | 0.41631973355537 |
Imperial Pints | 0.83263946711074 |
Imperial Cups | 1.665 |
Imperial Fluid Ounces | 16.653 |
Imperial Tablespoons | 26.646 |
Imperial Teaspoons | 79.937 |
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- how many cups in a ml
1 pints to L calculator converts 1 pints into Liters, cups, drops, mL, etc. simultaneously.