Circle Calculator

Circle Calculator

Don’t know how to calculate the measurements of a Circle? Mycaclu helps you to find it through the Circle calculator. This free online calculator is very effective and easy to use as it does not require any skill to master.

How to use the Mycalcu Circle Calculator?

  1. Enter the value of the Radius, if given to calculate the rest of the measurements
  2.  Enter the value of the Diameter, if given to calculate the rest of the measurements
  3. Enter the value of the Circumference, if given to calculate the rest of the measurements
  4. Enter the value of the Area, if given to calculate the rest of the measurements

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Formula of Diameter of Circle

Diameter = 2 x radius

Formula of Circumference of Circle

Circumference = 2 x Π x r

Formula of Area of Circle

Area = Π*r2 where

Π = Pi which is approximately equal to 3.141

r = Radius of the Circle