grams to teaspoon

Why use the Grams to Teaspoons calculator?

An online calculator can quickly convert GRAMS TO TEASPOON without any error. MYcalcu is the best online calculator for students because it is a free calculator. It provides the eased accessibility to online calculations without any payment or login restraints.


Mycalcu uses the following formula to convert GRAMS TO TEASPOON

tsp = grams x 25.4


If you want to convert 20 GRAMS TO TEASPOON, then MYcalcu utilizes the standard equation to get the result

20 tsp = 20x 25.4= 100 grams


The relationship between grams and teaspoons varies depending on the density of the ingredient being measured.

Grams to Teaspoon Conversion Table

Dry Ingredient Grams to Teaspoon Conversion
Flour 1g = 0.2 tsp
Sugar 1g = 0.2 tsp
Salt 1g = 0.2 tsp
Baking Powder 1g = 0.2 tsp
Baking Soda 1g = 0.2 tsp
Yeast 1g = 0.2 tsp
Cocoa Powder 1g = 0.2 tsp
Chocolate Chips 1g = 0.2 tsp
Nuts 1g = 0.17 tsp
Oats 1g = 0.17 tsp
Rice 1g = 0.17 tsp
Pasta 1g = 0.17 tsp
Bread Crumbs 1g = 0.17 tsp
Parmesan Cheese 1g = 0.17 tsp
Liquid Ingredient Grams to Teaspoon Conversion
Milk 1g = 0.2 tsp
Butter 1g = 0.2 tsp
Oil 1g = 0.2 tsp
Vinegar 1g = 0.2 tsp
Lemon Juice 1g = 0.2 tsp
Vanilla Extract 1g = 0.2 tsp
Soy Sauce 1g = 0.2 tsp
Honey 1g = 0.2 tsp
Maple Syrup 1g = 0.2 tsp
Jam 1g = 0.2 tsp
Peanut Butter 1g = 0.2 tsp
Cheese 1g = 0.17 tsp
Yogurt 1g = 0.2 tsp
Sour Cream 1g = 0.2 tsp





















1 Grams To Teaspoon

2 Grams To Teaspoon

3 Grams To Teaspoon

4 Grams To Teaspoon

5 Grams To Teaspoon

10 Grams To Teaspoon

20 Grams To Teaspoon

30 Grams To Teaspoon

40 Grams To Teaspoon

50 Grams To Teaspoon

100 Grams To Teaspoon

200 Grams To Teaspoon

500 Grams To Teaspoon

900 Grams To Teaspoon

1000 Grams To Teaspoon

2000 Grams To Teaspoon

3000 Grams To Teaspoon

5000 Grams To Teaspoon

10000 Grams To Teaspoon

20000 Grams To Teaspoon