Exponents Calculator
Exponent Calculator
Want to know the result of the number raised to the power N? Mycalcu helps you find it through the Exponent calculator. It is a free online tool that helps you calculate the exponential value in a very easy and effective way.
Exponents Calculator
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How to calculate the exponential value of a number, using Mycalcu?
- Enter the number in the first box
- Enter the value of N in the second box
- Click on calculate to get the answer
Formula for Exponent
AN = A x A x ………. x A N times
83 = 8 x 8 x 8 = 512
Basic Exponent Rules
1 Exponent 1
5 Exponent 3
10 Exponent 3
50 Exponent 5
60 Exponent 2
80 Exponent 4
100 Exponent 5
120 Exponent 7
300 Exponent 4
550 Exponent 6
830 Exponent 8
1000 Exponent 4
1200 Exponent 6
1500 Exponent 5
1800 Exponent 9
2100 Exponent 12
3000 Exponent 10
7000 Exponent 13
10000 Exponent 22
15000 Exponent 5
20000 Exponent 15