GCF Calculator

Greatest Common Factor Calculator (GCF calculator)

What is GCF? GCF stands for greatest common factor in mathematics, and it is the largest number that is divisible by two or more other numbers. It is also known as HCF (highest common factor), GCD (greatest common divisor), and GCD (greatest common denominator). The GCF calculator precisely calculates the highest or greatest common of two or more given numbers in no time.

gcf calculator

How to find the GCF?

There are several methods that can be used to find the GCF of two or more numbers such as the factorization method and the prime factorization method. However, Mycalcu's GCF calculator uses the factorization method to find out the highest common factors.

How to use the GCF Calculator?

  1. Enter the 1st number in the 1st box
  2. Enter the 2nd value in the 2nd box
  3. Click on calculate to get the result

How to calculate Greatest Common Factors (GCF)?

Follow the given below simple steps to quickly and accurately calculate the GCF of two numbers.

  1. List down all the factors of all the numbers
  2. Note down all the common factors
  3. The greatest number that is in the common factors is your answer

Let's look into an example for better clarification of the concept, let's find the GCF of (18, 27)

Factors of the first variable which is 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18.

Factors of the second variable which is  27 are 139, 27.

The common factors of 18 and 27 are 1, 3, and 9.

Therefore, the GCF (18,27) is 9.

gcf calculator

value1 value2 GCF
3 100 1
6 100 2
9 100 1
12 100 4
15 100 5
18 100 2
21 100 1
24 100 4
27 100 1
30 100 10
33 100 1
36 100 4
39 100 1
42 100 2
45 100 5
48 100 4
51 100 1
54 100 2
57 100 1
60 100 20
63 100 1
66 100 2
69 100 1
72 100 4
75 100 25
78 100 2
81 100 1
84 100 4
87 100 1
90 100 10
93 100 1
96 100 4
99 100 1
102 100 2
105 100 5
108 100 4
111 100 1
114 100 2
117 100 1
120 100 20
123 100 1
126 100 2
129 100 1
132 100 4
135 100 5
138 100 2
141 100 1
144 100 4
147 100 1
150 100 50
153 100 1
156 100 4
159 100 1
162 100 2
165 100 5
168 100 4
171 100 1
174 100 2
177 100 1
180 100 20
183 100 1
186 100 2
189 100 1
192 100 4
195 100 5
198 100 2
201 100 1
204 100 4
207 100 1
210 100 10
213 100 1
216 100 4
219 100 1
222 100 2
225 100 25
228 100 4
231 100 1
234 100 2
237 100 1
240 100 20
243 100 1
246 100 2
249 100 1
252 100 4
255 100 5
258 100 2
261 100 1
264 100 4
267 100 1
270 100 10
273 100 1
276 100 4
279 100 1
282 100 2
285 100 5
288 100 4
291 100 1
294 100 2
297 100 1
300 100 100

gcf of 1 and 3

gcf of 5 and 10

gcf of 10 and 20

gcf of 50 and 55

gcf of 90 and 65

gcf of 105 and 115

gcf of 120 and 150

gcf of 150 and 210

gcf of 225 and 230

gcf of 450 and 230

gcf of 500 and 330

gcf of 800 and 630

gcf of 990 and 950

gcf of 1530 and 950

gcf of 2550 and 1550

gcf of 3005 and 1005

gcf of 7605 and 5040