1.8 Cups In A Pint

1.8 pints to cups calculator converts 1.8 pints into cups and vice versa instantly and accurately.

1.8 pint is equal to how many cups?

1 pint = 2 cups, or 1 pint = 1 * 2 cups, therefore, simply multiply 1.8 pints by 2 to get it converted into cups.

Convert 1.8 Cups In A Pint

What is the value of 1.8 pints in cups?

1.8 pint is equal to 0.0004 cups, or there are 0.0004 cups in 1.8 prints.

1.8 US Liquid Pints Conversion

US Cups 0.0004
US Teaspoons 0.018259652255067
US Tablespoons 0.0060810810810811
US Liquid Quarts 9.510223490252E-5
Liters 9.0E-5
US Liquid Gallons 2.377555872563E-5
US Fluid Ounces 0.0030456852791878
US Legal Cups 0.000375
Milliliters 0.09
Imperial Gallons 0.018259652255067
Imperial Quarts 7.9190497140343E-5
Imperial Pints 0.00015838099428069
Imperial Cups 0.00031673411930318
Imperial Fluid Ounces 0.003169014084507
Imperial Tablespoons 0.0050704225352113
Imperial Teaspoons 0.015254237288136

This conversion calculator converts 1.8 pints into cups and vice versa easily. It also converts 1.8 pints into other units as well simultaneously.